Sentence with incorrect comparative and superlatives can appear in the TOEFL. It is therefore important for you to know how to do the following: 1. form of the comparative and the superlative and the superlative correctly, and 2. use the comparative and superlative correctly.
A. Degrees of Comparison of Adjective
Adjective is word that modifies noun. Degrees of comparison of adjectives can be used to show the degrees of comparison of things. Read carefully the explanation of it below.
1. Adjective that consists of one syllable or two syllables and does not have ending of ous, ful, or less, the form of comparative and superlative is as following:
a. comparative: adjective + er than
a) Michelle is happier than Jessica.
b) Michael is taller than Aaron.
b. superlative: the adjective + est
a) Nicholas is the happiest.
b) Leonardo is the tallest.
2. Adjective that consists of three syllables or more, and two syllables of adjective which is ended with-ous, ful, less, the form of comparative and superlative is as following:
a. comparative: more + adjective + than
a) Angelina is more famous than Jamie.
b) Alberto is more diligent than Austin.
b. Superlative: the + most + adjective
a) Harry is the most famous.
b) Robert is the most diligent.
Example of the adjectives consist of two syllables which are ended with ous:
a. obvious,
b. anxious,
c. curious,
d. famous,
e. serious,
f. jealous, so on.
Example of the adjectives consist of two syllables which are ended with ful:
a. helpful,
b. shameful,
c. awful,
d. careful,
e. doubtful, so on.
Example of the adjectives ended with less:
a. careless,
b. hopeless, so on.
List of Irregular Adjective:
a. Positive: good
Comparative: better than
Superlative: the best
b. Positive: bad
Comparative: worse than
Superlative: the worst
c. Positive: ill
Comparative: worse than
Superlative: the worst
d. Positive: far
Comparative: farther than
Superlative: the farthest
e. Positive: far
Comparative: further than
Superlative: the furthest
f. Positive: many
Comparative: more than
Superlative: the most
g. Positive: much
Comparative: more than
Superlative: the most
h. Positive: little
Comparative: smaller than
Superlative: the smallest
i. Positive: a little
Comparative: less than
Superlative: the least
B. Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs
Adverb is a word that modifies verb, adjective, and adverb. Degrees of comparison of adverb is used to show degree of way to do something work.
1. Adverb which has same form with adjective, the form of comparative and superlative is as following:
a. Comparative: adverb + er than
a) Jesse runs faster than Michael does.
b) Andrew works harder than Matthew does.
b. Superlative: adverb + est
a) Robert runs fastest of all.
b) Lucas works hardest among the students.
2. Adverb which has same form with adjective + ly, the form of comparative and superlative is as following:
a. Comparative: more + adverb + than
a) Rachel lives more happily than Sarah.
b) Daniel dances more beautifully than Ann does.
b. Superlative: most + adverb
a) Emma lives most happily of all.
b) Maria dances most beautifully among the girls.
List of Irregular Adverbs:
a. Positive : well
Comparative : better than
Superlative : best
b. Positive : bad
Comparative : worse than
Superlative : worst
c. Positive : far
Comparative : farther than
Superlative : farthest
d. Positive : far
Comparative : further than
Superlative : furthest
e. Positive : many
Comparative : more than
Superlative : most
f. Positive : much
Comparative : more than
Superlative : most
g. Positive : little
Comparative : smaller than
Superlative : smallest
h. Positive : a little
Comparative : less than
Superlative : least
The only difference of irregular adjective and irregular adverb is in the form of adjective good - bad, and adverb well - badly.
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