Structure and Written Expressions of TOEFL, Free Practice Tests, Tips and Strategies

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Exercise 18 Test Your Comparative and Superlative

This exercise tests your knowledge about the use of correct comparative and superlative on the TOEFL test. If you still find difficulty, you can re read the previous explanation, Skill 18 Use the Comparative and Superlative Correctly. Instruction: Each of the following sentences contains a comparative or superlative. Circle the comparative or superlative. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I)
1.   Harvard is probably the most prestigious university in the United States. (...)
2. Mary is more intelligent of the class. (...)
3.   The engineers hired this year have more experience than those hired last year. (...)
4.    The graduate assistant informed us that the first exam is the most difficult of the two. (...)
5.    He bought the more powerful stereo speakers that he could find. (...)
6.    The afternoon seminar was much more interesting than the morning lecture. (...)
7.     The fool in this restaurant is the best of the restaurant we visited last week. (...)
8.    The plants that have been sitting in the sunny window are far healthier than the other plants. (...)
9.     The photocopies are the darkest that they have ever been. (...)
10.   The first journal article is the longest of the second article. (...)

Exercise 18 Test Your Comparative and Superlative Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Eko Wahyudi


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